HMO Conversions
expertly designed.
Welcome to Planning World, we are the “One Stop Shop” for every type of HMO Conversion Planning Permission Application, Lawful Development Certificates, Building Regulations Approvals, Retrospective Planning and Much More.
No matter where you are in the design or planning stage, we can help you achieve your goals.
HMO Conversions.
Permitted development rights which apply to many common projects, may apply.
C4 or Sui Generis?
A change of use from C3 to C4 (small) HMO may be covered under permitted development, subject to Local criteria.
C4 (Houses in multiple occupation) is limited to houses with no more than six residents. Therefore, houses in multiple occupation with more than six residents become a ‘sui generis’ use.
What is a small HMO?
Small HMO - shared houses/flats of three to six people who do not form a single household. These HMO’s fall within Use Class C4 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes Order). They have the same meaning as in section 254 of the Housing Act 2004, with the exception of section 257 which applies to converted blocks flats (and those buildings listed in schedule 14 of the Act).
HMO Conversions.
Houses in Multiple Occupation
Concentrations of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in have increased in recent years. Many HMOs are occupied as student houses around Universities. There are also concentrations of HMOs, some of which provide a poor level of accommodation. These concentrations adversely affect the character of local communities and neighbourhoods. This arises from seasonal depopulation, divisions between social groups and lack of interaction, turnover of occupants, poor upkeep and an impact on the affordability of rented houses for families. To address these imbalances, The Council is also designating an Article 4 in parts, to remove permitted development rights for conversion.
Planning Policy
Local Plan Development Management DPD, seeks to restrict the concentration of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) to a maximum of 10% in any 100m radius. The policy will manage the concentration of all new HMOs, including new build HMOs, the conversion of non-residential properties to HMOs and the change of use of dwellings (Class C3) to HMOs and includes standards for new HMOs
HMO Density Map by Post Code:
Student Council Tax Exemptions and Licensing information which is used to calculate the density of HMOs. As much of the data is derived from Council Tax data.
HMO Conversions.
Permitted development rights which apply to many common projects, may apply.
Residential Conversions Proposals that involve residential conversions must meet the following criteria:
Provide accommodation that will address local housing needs and imbalances in the local housing market; Not result in a significant detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby residents and the character and appearance of the street scene; and Satisfy all other relevant planning policy.
Living conditions
The Council will seek to ensure that new HMOs of all sizes provide a good standard of living and amenity for occupiers. Accommodation must be provided with an appropriate level of outlook and natural daylight. Residential conversions to HMOs should be easily capable of conversion back into a single dwelling to provide accommodation for a single household. The accommodation, internal layout, measurements of the HMO and associated access and storage should meet the standards.
Most Councils are considering the merits of bringing forward Article 4 directions to manage the amount of small HMOs being developed (i.e. those where 3 to 6 people live separately within the same dwelling house). Proposals may on exception be considered acceptable where:
Effective measures are proposed to minimise noise and other forms of disturbance to neighbouring residential properties;
Suitable means of storage including refuse, recycling and bicycle storage is provided;
The proposal would not harm the character of the building or surrounding area;
The proposal would not result in unacceptable impact on parking including unacceptable levels of on-street parking;
The proposal would not result in the creation of sub-standard living conditions.
Our Process
There are countless reasons why our service is better than the rest, but here you can learn about why we’re different.
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Step 3
Planning made easy!
We take care of everything for you
Architectural Services
We will take care of everything for you. We will arrange your survey, produce the required drawings, act as your agent, liaise, with the council, until a decision is awarded.
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We create HMOs by innovation.
We cover it all, from HMO conversions to commercial extensions and conversions and can provide, all the services you may need along the way, from 3D laser surveys, Structural Engineers, Interior Design, SAP ratings, Flood Risk Assessments, Biodiversity and Builders, Together with Expert Advice and Support.
Frequently asked questions
What is permitted development?
Permitted development, does not require an application for planning permission, provided all conditions are met. The rules apply to houses, not flats, maisonettes, or other buildings. Permitted development rights may have been removed by Article 4 or Article 3 directions. Other consents may be required if your house is listed or in a designated area or has other constraints.
Permitted development Vs Planning?
Permitted development although suitable for many standard extensions & conversions, the materials used, need to be of similar appearance to the host dwelling. Deviation from the GDPO guidelines will require a full householder planning application.
Planning permission is based on planning policy and planning law. One of the main considerations when applying for planning is the 45-degree rule.
We have extensive experience in Local and Government planning policies & planning law and would always recommend applying for a certificate of lawfulness or planning approval, to ensure that your project is legal in planning terms.
Do I need a Certificate of Lawfulness?
YES, YES, YES! This is the only answer, we deal with retrospective planning applications and planning enforcement on a daily basis. Don’t leave it to chance!
Don’t be swayed by anyone, who wants to start the build straight away, without putting in the paperwork first. A certificate of lawfulness is NOT the same as a completion certificate from building control. Planning regulations and building regulations are separate permissions, which you should always apply for, they are not the same and you will need both.
A certificate of lawfulness will give you the legal planning status for your project. Without this certificate, your project will not be deemed legal, in planning terms. You may also require this paperwork in the future, for a valuation, remortgage, or to sell your property.
Why choose an architectural firm?
There are more and more options for you as the client, out there. However, we would always advise our clients, to go with an independent architectural firm. There are a few reasons for this; 1. We specialise in architectural drawings, planning policy, and planning law and know what the planners will and won’t accept. 2. When you instruct an architectural firm, you are free to obtain independent quotes for the building works, which can and do vary considerably. We can help you obtain independent builders quotes if this is something you are interested in, however, you are never tied to one builder 3. If you are promised free drawings, it may sound good at the beginning, but the cost of the drawings is rolled into the price, so ultimately you will have paid for the drawings but you are not free to shop around. 4. Assurance that the drawings and paperwork have been completed accurately, in advance of works carried out on-site, and not at your own risk. 5. Timescales, we can prepare your drawings within 2 weeks and deposit both planning regulations & building regulations drawings at the same time, so that you are ready to start within weeks, not months.
Can I build it now or should I wait?
We get asked this question all the time. The sensible answer is; to always get your paperwork in place first. This process doesn’t need to be lengthy, we pride ourselves in our approach of “planning made easy” because it can be done with the right architectural firm. We offer transparent, straight-talking, absolutely no-nonsense planning advice, Let’s face it when you are a Nationwide company, you have seen it all. Don’t leave it to chance, or be swayed by anyone with a financial interest.
Ask the experts for straight-talking advice, who have seen the wrongdoings and enforcements.
How are your prices so competative?
Our prices are so competitive because our systems are so slick. Our 3D laser scan survey is so accurate, that our surveyors only need to visit the site once, for 1 hour, on average. The data is then sent to our head office, where we access your survey from our server.
We draw in Revit 3D Architecture (BIM modeling) not flat 2D CAD. We produce your existing drawings within 7 days. We will then arrange a telephone design consultation with you to discuss your proposed project in detail and will produce your initial proposed drafts for you to make any amendments to.
Once you are 100% happy with your designs, we produce your final drawings ready for submission, which include all the required drawings you need.

Why choose Planning World?
3D Laser Scan Survey UK
State of the Art Survey Included – within 48hrs
Superior Revit 3D Drawings
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3D prior to the build!
Guaranteed Fixed Prices
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Super Fast Turnaround
At No Extra Cost!
Council Submissions
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from start to finish
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We are Planning World – Planning Made Easy!
fixed-price quote
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